Feb 13, 2017
Re-broadcast of Life in the Wilderness.
The start of a new series of Life in the Wilderness, Jo and Steph discuss those times we all face but all would prefer not to - those desert times.
They discuss what the wilderness may look like and has looked like for them: times where we feel spiritually dry, where our faith has been tested or where God has used difficult circumstances to form our character. Jo shares about adapting to a new life in the US after a fruitful season in the UK, and Steph shares about her journey with singleness and dating.
Looking at the story of the Israelites leaving Egypt, we learn the the distance between slavery and the Promised Land is the wilderness, and how God uses that time to correct the wrong mindsets the Israelites had in terms of their identity, purpose and relationship with God.
God sees you, He is with you in it and He wants to walk with you. You are not forgotten.
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