Jul 26, 2021
This previously aired series continues with Part 3 of the "Leadership in the Valley" series, as Jo and Steph look at the Biblical theme of the movement of God in the valley through the lens of the story of David and Goliath. They pose the question - What are the battles we are facing and how can we navigate our way...
Jul 19, 2021
In this previously broadcast episode, Jo and Stephanie continue the series "Leadership in the Valley" focusing on "the Valley of Grief" sometimes known as "the valley of dry bones." Throughout the Bible we see the valley as a backdrop for the movement of God amongst His people and today's conversation is...
Jul 12, 2021
Whether you heard it last April or are just tuning in now, this first series Jo and Stephanie began as the 2020 pandemic began is not to be missed: Leadership in the Valley. Throughout the Bible you'll see the theme of the valley as a backdrop or landscape for the movement of God amongst his people. Today's focus...