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Lead Stories Podcast is the flagship podcast of Lead Stories Media. Co hosts and executive producers Jo Saxton and Stephanie Williams O'Brien tell tales of leadership and life with the aim to encourage, equip and empower. 

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Jun 19, 2017

Continuing the series on Stigmas, Jo chats to Kaitlin Curtice, a native-american Christian about her re-discovery of her heritage and how that has impacted her faith and relationship with God.

Listen in to hear how God has revealed himself in new ways to Kaitlin as she has researched her heritage, and Kaitlin’s ideas of how the church could be blessed by recognizing and learning from certain cultural values from native americans tribes.



1) What did you learn about native american tribes as a child? Were they positive or negative influences?

2) Kaitlin mentioned that teaching her children traditional ways may mean they are made fun of.  Are there parts of your heritage / ideals you hold to that you are afraid to influence others with for fear of what they may say /do? How can you make sure it is not the enemy who is silencing you?

3) What positive things could/should the church embrace from native american cultures?


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Check out Kaitlin’s book ‘Glory Happening’ coming November 7th


And find her on facebook, twitter and instagram!

Angela MacMichael
seven and a half years ago

Thank you for a fascinating and relevant podcast. The global church needs to hear stories like Kaitlin's and how we can learn, connect and ask forgiveness for the wrongs of the past committed against native peoples. I'm from Canada and the church here is slowly beginning to begin a walk towards reconciliation and truth seeking. Your story touched my heart and your words are powerful ! Looking forward to hearing more from you!