Jan 25, 2017
Steph is chatting with Efrem Smith about his role as President of ‘World Impact Incorporated’ and how his upbringing has impacted his calling to see reconciliation and unity within churches and communities currently divided along class, political or racial lines.
Listen in to hear how this passion for diversity and reconciliation has impacted Efrem’s ministry decisions. He also shares steps we can take to encourage greater diversity within the church.
Bible verses:
2 Corinthians 5
Steps for reconciliation in leadership:
1) Deepen our personal relationship with God. Declutter our lives enough to have intimacy with God. Begin to get a heart for what He cares about.
2) Investigate and meditate on the multi-ethnicity of Jesus.
3) See people who are different from you as opportunities to extend God’s kingdom and love, not as threats.
4) Learn to see ourselves and others as God sees us - our true identities. Dismiss the lies and false information the world gives us about ourselves and others.
5) Refuse to be happily entrenched in your own viewpoints, traditions and comforts. Listen to others and learn how to hear what others are saying even when we don’t adopt their viewpoint.
Check out Efrem’s books:
New release: Killing us softly
The post black and post white church
Jump into a life of further and higher
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