Jan 23, 2017
What is vision, how do we get it and how do we know if it is any good? Do you have vision for your life?
After Steph shares some great, although unsolicited, dating advice, Jo and Steph share how vision is ‘a picture of what could be’ and how we embrace that in our lives. They share why vision is so important and what happens when vision isn’t present.
Bible passages mentioned:
Proverbs 29:18 (Check out the Message version)
Habakkuk 2:1-3
John 5:19
Questions to help you explore your vision:
1) What do you get excited / frustrated about?
2) What makes you laugh / cry?
3) Where do you have strong emotions that God may be stirring to lead you into a vision for change?
4) What things do you find yourself returning to in your mind over and over?
5) What things do you find yourself drawn to / investigating (blogs/books/movies on certain themes)
6) What things would your friends say you are passionate about? (ask them!)
7) What threads show up in your journals which may be signposts?
8) What themes / passages in Scripture stand out to you?
9) What would you do if you weren’t afraid? (Of failure / others / discomfort…)
10) Who are you talking to as you explore your vision?
11) What things are your friends and family sick of you talking about that you don’t do anything about? (Ask them!)
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