Jun 24, 2019
Today, Mike Breen shares a deep and insightful message on the 23rd Psalm. As Mike points out, this passage is perhaps the most recognizable and well known Psalm and yet the Psalm most rarely preached on. Listen to how he masterfully and powerfully uses the experiences of the shepherd and his sheep to illustrate the way we as God's people live out the call, challenge and completion of our lives.
Mike Breen has been pastoring and working with church leaders for over 40 years. He is a pioneer at heart and is committed to seeing the kingdom of God extend in every way.
He has a way of communicating the truth of the biblical narrative with richness and clarity. He tells stories to draw everyone in with his ability to contextualize and then activate his listeners.
He has written over 30 books and his most recent publication is called Speak Out. In this book he mines out his communication techniques so that his readers can learn from his wealth of years.